George Harradon Mark Lodge No 956 Installation
George Harradon Mark Lodge No 956 held it’s installation at Liverpool Masonic Hall, Hope Street, on Thursday 20th November.  The reprehensive for the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master at the installation was W.Bro Maurice Evans PGSD. 

Rep, W.Bro Maurice Evans; WM W.Bro Alan Boyle; Installing master V.W.Bro Fred Hargreaves. 

V.W.Bro Fred Hargreaves PGJO then performed a flawless and enjoyable installation ceremony, (which included the presentation of the Keystone Jewel and later address to the master), to place W.Bro Alan Boyle PProvAGDC into the chair of the lodge.  (W.Bro Boyle had previously been in the chair of the lodge in 2010).   W.Bro Derek Gaskell did the address to the Wardens and W.Bro Mike Winterbottom did the Overseers address. The address to the Brethren was done in exemplary fashion by W.Bro Maurice Evans PGSD.
WM with the Grand Officers Present and a Visiting Master 
When the lodge had been opened there had was an in memoriam held for W.Bro R.A. Rutherford PProvGStwd who had been stalwart and Worshipful Master of the lodge in 2004. A moving tribute was given by W.Bro Mike Winterbottom PAGDC to W.Bro Rutherford who died in July 2014 and will be missed by all those who knew him.
The new Worshipful Master will have plenty of work to do during the season as George Harradon Mark Lodge No 956 is playing host to the Liverpool Mark Lodges Festival on Thursday 19th February at Hope Street.  The Festival is called 3-5-7 and is a Masonic evening open to Master Mason as well as Mark Masons.  The cost is £12 and includes a two course meal.
If the rest of George Harradon’s year is as good as the installation meeting, with good ritual in the lodge and good company and fun at the festive board then W.Bro Alan Boyle and the lodge are in for a good season.

Article and Photographs courtesy of Derek Gaskell